
Toolkit articles tagged with keyword 'Funders'.

  • Eligibility criteria for grant applications

    When writing your open access book, you may be able to apply for funding from a grant-making organisation, your institution, or your research funder. Specific requirements for such applications vary widely, but you should be aware of certain common eligibility criteria.

  • Open access book policy landscape

    Institutions and funders increasingly require that researchers make their books openly available in order to maximise the impact of the research they support. Open access policies vary considerably, so you should check what requirements apply to you prior to choosing a publisher to ensure that they...

  • Overview of available funding

    If your publisher requires that you provide funding to support the publication of your open access book via a book processing charge (BPC) or open access fee, you may be able to access funding from your institution or a grantmaking organisation. You or your publisher could also organise a crowdfunding...

  • Why publish an open access book?

    Publishing open access means your book or chapter can be read, reviewed, shared, and cited without depending on readers buying it or libraries stocking it. Open access therefore greatly increases the opportunities for your work to be read widely and to have an impact on the world.

  • Benefits of open access book publishing for early career researchers

    This article discusses the particular benefits of open access book publishing with respect to distribution, online portfolios, and impact and ethics for early career researchers, while addressing important challenges of publishing open access.