Published 12 July 2024

How to browse this toolkit

The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit covers over 30 individual articles on specific topics related to open access books. Users can navigate direct and find the articles relevant for them via one of several navigation approaches. The following navigation options provide you with a wide variety of entry points into the toolkit to help you find answers to specific questions and browse through articles that may be of interest to you:


Research Life Cycle - The toolkit has been organised according to a typical research lifecycle and consists of eight stages:

  • Planning and funding
  • Conducting research
  • Considering publishing options
  • Writing & submitting manuscript
  • Peer review
  • Book contract and licensing
  • Book is published and disseminated
  • Research is reused

Glossary - The glossary provides explanations for key terms. It can also be used as a navigation tool; clicking on a glossary term allows you to access a list of articles that include the particular glossary term.

Keywords - The keyword index includes a large set of keywords that have been assigned to specific toolkit articles. Clicking on a particular keyword draws up a list of articles that are linked with the specific keyword.

Frequently asked questions - Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are answered throughout this resource. By selecting a frequently asked question on the FAQs page, you can find a short answer as well as navigate direct to articles that provide a more extensive answer to this question.

We hope that these navigation options will help you find your way through this toolkit. While the website currently does not support a search function, we have incorporated this into our product roadmap to be considered for implementation in due course.

Creative Commons License
This article is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last edited on 12 July 2024, at 11:23 (+0000)