Support the toolkit
The OAPEN open access books toolkit is a public resource governed by a independent Editorial Advisory Board (See Who is responsible for this toolkit?). The content of the toolkit has been put together by the Editorial Advisory Board and other individuals on a voluntary basis. The toolkit will remain a freely accessible and public resource for all. To cover the costs of maintenance and further development, we invite stakeholders who may actively use and welcome this public resource to consider supporting the toolkit.
We offer various options to support the toolkit, ranging from one-off contribution to ongoing collaboration. All contributions and support are exclusively dedicated to this toolkit and its supporters are publicly acknowledged in the toolkit.
Supporting the toolkit
- A one-off contribution: to be determined by the contributor.
- Basic support: € 250 (excl. VAT) annually.
- Tailored collaboration: Upon request and depending on scope and needs
Supporters of the OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit actively contribute to the further development of this resource and, additionally, can expect the following benefits in return for their support:
- Publicly acknowledged in the Toolkit.
- Onboarding session with one of the OAPEN team members: basic walkthrough and how the toolkit can be best tailored to your organisation’s needs.
- Invitation for annual session to learn about the latest developments and additions for the toolkit, as well as future developments and a Q&A session.
Additionally, OAPEN freely provides the following materials for anyone interested.
- Access to promo materials including, slides, flyer on the toolkit, logo files, toolkit use-cases and more.
- Checklist for how the toolkit can be effectively used locally.
- Regular reports on how the toolkit is being used globally.
Contribute to a central information hub for open access books
For many stakeholders, this toolkit offers valuable information from a trusted and central resource. By supporting this toolkit you are contributing to the further development of a dedicated and public resource for open access books. The availability of this central resource can save you, and your peers valuable time by maintaining a central information hub for open access books.
Tailored collaboration: working with the toolkit
OAPEN is happy to work with libraries, research support departments, and publishers to help integrate the OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit in their open access activities.
In addition to the aforementioned, we can also offer a more tailored approach, such as support at events, setting up a help desk, helping with training sessions, and answering questions from researchers.
Please contact Lotte van Aalten, Publisher Relations Manager, for more information: [email protected]. The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit is offered as a stand-alone service, independent of other OAPEN platforms or services. Contributions are solely dedicated to the maintenance and further development of this toolkit.